I'm sure that my loyal cadre of readers (all three of you?) have had restless evenings of non-slumber worrying about the wrong-inseamed Levi's I purchased the other day (Tuesday); that I was either gallavanting about, hither and non, in either the blown-out pants I had attempted to replace with my 'business area' unfurled/unleashed/unfettered and waving to the masses OR the Far-Too-Long Replacements with four inches of cuffs clanging about my tops of my footwear.
Lose Zs no longer...for the situation has been addressed, to my great relief.
A trip back to the store where I made my hasty boner* of a jeans purchase, a CAREFUL perusal of the stacks of denim trousers for the correct size and style, an awkward exchange with a clerk (which went like this):
Me: Good Day. I need to exchange these jeans (holds the wrong pair up) for a new pair (displays the Right Pair in the other hand); I had a momentary lapse of Inseam Judgement and a mild aspiration to Greater Heights than these stubby pegs are capable of.
Clerk: ?!? Do you have your receipt?
...and I was on my way home, with images of myself clad in crisp new and suitably fit Levi's dancing in my head.
Thus, rest easy now, my friends, for all is right in the world of Tony's lower extremity coverings.
*EASY there, folk...that used to simply mean 'mistake'...although it might make an interesting title to a Porn Film adaptation of this incident. Let me talk to my more Cinematically-Inclined compatriots and I'll get back to you. Casting Calls will be forthcoming.