Sunday, January 18, 2004

The Latest Refuse Discovered in my Yard

I'm not exactly sure why my yard has become the Landfill du Jour of my neighborhood (see the previous Blog Entry 'Roaming Bonecasters sans Divinations' for more details) but there has been a recent spate of debris left (intentionally?) about my plot of land; namely:

-A discarded (and still steaming) Bucket of Popeye's Chicken (which might tie in with the aforementioned article and the folk that so recklessly discarded that infamous drumstick bone).

-An Oscar Meyer Variety Pack with one slice of Cotto Salami remaining inside (partially nibbled...but potentially gnawed by one of Nature's lil' Nibblers--like a squirrel or nomadic feral poodle-- and not a Dickensian Pudding-Favoring Street Urchin, obviously).

-One personalized Hubcap...gilded (of all things) and sporting the phrase (in Spray Paint stylings): Born to Frolic.

-Water-damaged Frederick's of Hollywood catalog/catalogue cover dated September 1992 (?!? Who the hell's had this stashed in their home for the last 12 years and why disown it NOW? Isn't that enough time to have it considered a common-law spouse?).

-One blue and green striped tube sock; apparently modified into a puppet of some sort as evidenced by the one wiggley plastic peeper adhesed to the toe region (now THAT is one sorry puppet, my friends...and my yard is NOT an appropriate puppet graveyard, thank you)..

(faux-Sanford sans Son...although a stand-in Lamont would be pretty cool, ya Big Dummy)


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