Bram Stoker WeptI recently took note of a fellow wearing an ancient and threadbare DIVER DOWN Van Halen tour shirt and, since I was feeling a bit chatty (how odd), I decided to engage him in conversation about the band's rotating cast of lead singers and, of the three (Roth, Hagar, Cherrone) which one he preferred.
Me: Hey, man, a Diver Down shirt. Looks like an original. You a fan of the David Lee Roth led version of the band?
Fan (startled): What do you mean?
Me (perplexed): Well, you're wearing a t-shirt with the album art for Van Halen's DIVER DOWN which is an album (and tour dates from 1982) of their's that David Lee Roth was still the frontman for ' I figured you must be a fan of the original incarnation of Van Halen.
Fan (more confused): ...
Me (oh...for God's Sake...why did I start this 'conversation?'): The band...Van Halen...their name is right on your shirt.
Fan: You want it? Gimme something for it.
Me (what...we've leapt right to bartering? I don't want to see this guy shirtless and I definitely do not want an obviously used 'top'): No. No, I was simply wondering if...
Fan: S' rumor 'bout garlic warding 'em's really celery that does the trick. Makes sure the piece is pointy.
Me (...the Hell?!? I could imagine Michael Anthony being afraid of Celery): What does garlic and/or celery have to do with Van Halen?!?
Fan: And don't never invite them into your apartment or rambler. You're shit outta luck then (starts making slurping noises).
Me (oh...maybe a slight issue with his auditory senses): VAN HALEN...NOT VAMPIRE. I was wondering about your VAN HALEN SHIRT (I point at his shirt). I'm pretty damn sure they've nothing to do with Vampirism.
Fan (finally catches on): This thing? Ah, man...some guy I know gave me this shirt cuz he knows I like snorkeling. Pretty sure they ain't aquatic; least I ain't never seen none underwater. Not sure if they needs to breathe or not.
Me: ...