Between Song Banter at a recent Indigo Mollusk Sect Concert*feedback*
Whoa! Sorry about that, IMSians...the mic's secondhand and our gear tech was gassed up on Elmer's vapors during the sound check.
Okay, before we get to our next song, Don't Pear the Juicer, the band and I wanted to let y'all know that, contrary to what hasn't been reported in any music mag, fanzine, or even our website, we've lifted our Panty Embargo and you, our fan-TAS-atics, should feel free to fling your assorted undergarments stageward as a sign of your support! WOO! DRAWERS!!!
(smattering of applause interspersed with calls for FREE BIRD and GODZOOKIE--their take on BOC's Godzilla--but no panties arc towards the stage)
Aw, c'mon...we're really busting are asses up here in celebration of our muses and would really appreciate the cotton donations. Why should Tom Jones get all the bloomer-love?
(shouts for WHAT'S NEW, PUSSYCAT and YOUNG NEW MEXICAN PUPPETEER erupt from the audience)
Look...that's cute and all...okay...we'd even take a loin cloth thrown our way at this point.
(A chorus of Tarzan calls--some quite convincing, others sounding more like people trying to imitate cars backfiring, and one that sounds like a snow monkey passing through a carwash--issue forth from the assembled masses)
Seriously, we don't need this Lord Greystoke heat, dudes and dudettes. C'mon. One pair of panties, we'll settle for that. Don't any y'all chickies have a spare pair along for the ride? It ain't like we're gonna wear 'em like a hat or an astronaut's helmet or nothin'...
(An odd humming, most certainly the crowd's attempt at emulating Also Sprach Zarathustra, begins in earnest)
Man, fuck you! Just fuck off. This show's OVER!!!
(The lead singer unknowingly aping the monkeyman-smashing-stuff from 2001: A Space Odyssey--which coincides nicely with the fans impromptu Also Sprach Zarathustra--shatters his guitar against the front of the stage and the whole band panties in hand)