I am Mocking your Start-of-the-Day-Beverage
Overheard a Cow-Orker saying:
Male Cow-Orker: Can't start my day without a glass of Crystal Light.
TIP (laughs too loudly)
Male Cow-Orker: What's so funny?
TIP: Crystal Light? Are you familar with Norman Fell from Three's Company?
Male Cow-Orker: No.
TIP: Oh...well...he and Disney's Tinkerbell were spokespeople for Crystal Light back in the day. You should Google Search Norman Fell and Tinkerbell. Something should come up. That's why I laughed.
Male Cow-Orker: Cool. I'll do that.
Overheard a Cow-Orker saying:
Male Cow-Orker: Can't start my day without a glass of Crystal Light.
TIP (laughs too loudly)
Male Cow-Orker: What's so funny?
TIP: Crystal Light? Are you familar with Norman Fell from Three's Company?
Male Cow-Orker: No.
TIP: Oh...well...he and Disney's Tinkerbell were spokespeople for Crystal Light back in the day. You should Google Search Norman Fell and Tinkerbell. Something should come up. That's why I laughed.
Male Cow-Orker: Cool. I'll do that.