Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Norwegian Log: Day Eight
Unexpected Side Effects from Snack Food Consumption

If you've been paying attention than you are aware that the missus, 'The Package,' is outside of the country on vacation and the Dog and I have been left to our own devices (as it were). This fact led me to the grocery store* the other day in pursuit of a suitable bag of chips for my evening snack.**

There on the racks was a brand new flavor of Doritos-- Guacamole-- with blazing Green packaging to match the Hulk-ish hue of the chips themselves.

Considering that I have a fondness for Guacamole AND a weakness for Doritos*** it was a given that these chips would be coming home with me for an night of noshing.

And so the night passed into morning...and the Guacamole Doritos turned my stool green.

A green I have not seen in my own waste material since a bad bout of the runs when I was a kid.

Now THAT'S Entertainment!****

'The Package' needs to get home soon before other things go technicolor on me, eh?


* was actually a gas station.
**A snack that turned into a stand-in for my dinner.
***One of the two chinks in my armor...the other is redheads (but that's another tale for another blog). Not the worst pair of Achille's Heels to have...
****But Not of The Jam variety, if you catch my reference.


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