Monday, September 29, 2003

Norwegian Log: Day Six

'Jump the turnstiles never pay the toll
I did the doo-wah diddy and bust 'em with the pre roll'
Beastie Boys 3-Minute Rule

The time away from our country and a full immersion into Norwegian Culture has taken a toll on 'The Package's' sense of what is right and what is evidenced from what I learned from a phone conversation with her this morning.

After six days in the Motherland (or morland) 'The Package' has taken to a life of (petty) crimes.  She and her travelling companion, H*, have decided to live like 'students'** and jump the turnstiles at the train stations and--thus-- avoid paying the fares.


Sure I told her before leaving that she should spend her money wisely but I had no idea that this would lead to some sort of Thelma & Louise-meets-Bonnie & Clyde*** Norge-style crime spree.

I'll have to watch my back when she gets back or I might end up sacrificed to Odin the High Father in the ancient Blood Eagle ritual.****


*I have no idea what her name is but I do know that it starts with an H. Shows how much I've been paying attention to the details...maybe I was stunned to learn that my wife is a con now. Let's just refer to her pal as Helga and leave it at that, eh?

**This is how she referred to it. Does this mean that all Norwegian students are punk-ass thieves living a Thug-Life (or Thug-Liv as they say in their native babble)? How else do these so-called Students (or studenter) exercise their felonious ways? Nicking people's snowshoes, accosting reindeer, overeating at the lefse-buffet and skipping out on the bill, pulling a Quisling during a heated debate?

***Or, as they might say, Tekla & Lovis-møtes-Borghild & Kjell...

****This Viking rite involved cutting out the lungs of a living man and laying them out on his shoulders, so that they resembled the outspread wings of an eagle. Lovely!!!


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