The Soundtracks of Your Life: Part One
I was graced with a bit of overheard 'wisdom' today when the following exchange took place between two cow-orkers (within earshot of moi, natch):
Woman: There is nothing better than listening to CCR when you're Barbequeing.
Man: I know, I know. AND I think Van Morrison's MOONDANCE is best heard when cleaning your house or apartment.
Woman: Oh my God! You're absolutely right!
Heh. CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival for those not in the know) appropos of BBQs, eh?
Anyhoo, I won't get into how I strongly disagree with these opinions (CCR provides a better aural environment for wringing out fen-soaked flannel--just ask John Fogerty--and early Van Morrison is best suited for the seduction of the lasses leaning heavily Celtic-ward; the latter Van recordings for those that prefer ham sandwiches in bed whilst clad solely in a porkpie hat) but they DID give me an idea for a lil' bit of scribbling here at TIPTONE PRESENTS.
Thus, I will now randomly select several recordings from the vast TIPTONE audio library and, a la Carson's Karnack, place said record/CD next to my temple, and divine the very best activity to engage in whilst experiencing the music recorded therein.
Jeff Buckley's GRACE

A bubble bath or a long soak in a creek...maybe even a squirt gun fight amongst friends and family...preferably clothed.
David Bowie's LOW

Riding in back of an El Camino imbibing voraciously from an uncorked jug of freshly distilled generic mouthwash.
The Wallets' BODY TALK

Apprenticing at a Vintage Accordian, Squeeze Box, and Concertina reclamation/restoration/reconditioning shop under the patient eye and guidance of a fellow named Hans Gruntz.
Klaus Nomi's SIMPLE MAN

Erecting Lego flying buttresses around your obviously distressed third-hand couch (or 'divan' as your snooty great-aunt calls it).

A game of Limbo using a llama spine in place of a stick...a great icebreaker at showers and mixers.
More to come tomorrow.
I was graced with a bit of overheard 'wisdom' today when the following exchange took place between two cow-orkers (within earshot of moi, natch):
Woman: There is nothing better than listening to CCR when you're Barbequeing.
Man: I know, I know. AND I think Van Morrison's MOONDANCE is best heard when cleaning your house or apartment.
Woman: Oh my God! You're absolutely right!
Heh. CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival for those not in the know) appropos of BBQs, eh?
Anyhoo, I won't get into how I strongly disagree with these opinions (CCR provides a better aural environment for wringing out fen-soaked flannel--just ask John Fogerty--and early Van Morrison is best suited for the seduction of the lasses leaning heavily Celtic-ward; the latter Van recordings for those that prefer ham sandwiches in bed whilst clad solely in a porkpie hat) but they DID give me an idea for a lil' bit of scribbling here at TIPTONE PRESENTS.
Thus, I will now randomly select several recordings from the vast TIPTONE audio library and, a la Carson's Karnack, place said record/CD next to my temple, and divine the very best activity to engage in whilst experiencing the music recorded therein.
Jeff Buckley's GRACE

A bubble bath or a long soak in a creek...maybe even a squirt gun fight amongst friends and family...preferably clothed.
David Bowie's LOW

Riding in back of an El Camino imbibing voraciously from an uncorked jug of freshly distilled generic mouthwash.
The Wallets' BODY TALK

Apprenticing at a Vintage Accordian, Squeeze Box, and Concertina reclamation/restoration/reconditioning shop under the patient eye and guidance of a fellow named Hans Gruntz.
Klaus Nomi's SIMPLE MAN

Erecting Lego flying buttresses around your obviously distressed third-hand couch (or 'divan' as your snooty great-aunt calls it).

A game of Limbo using a llama spine in place of a stick...a great icebreaker at showers and mixers.
More to come tomorrow.
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