Speaking of 'Staches

The television program THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN was one of my favorite shows back in the 70s (it ran from 73-78 and then for a long long time as reruns in syndication). I've often (of late) pined for its release on DVD so I could experience the show anew as an adult (especially the Steve Versus Sasquatch eps). Said wishes often leads me to scour the Internet for any nugget of news about an impending release. Yesterday, a search led me to the entry on Wikipedia about THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN. It was there that I gleaned a lil' bit of trivia that I now will share with you (but will leave my opinion of the following unstated...for now):

The television program THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN was one of my favorite shows back in the 70s (it ran from 73-78 and then for a long long time as reruns in syndication). I've often (of late) pined for its release on DVD so I could experience the show anew as an adult (especially the Steve Versus Sasquatch eps). Said wishes often leads me to scour the Internet for any nugget of news about an impending release. Yesterday, a search led me to the entry on Wikipedia about THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN. It was there that I gleaned a lil' bit of trivia that I now will share with you (but will leave my opinion of the following unstated...for now):
Near the end of the series, Lee Majors experimented with changing Austin's look by growing a mustache. This proved unpopular and the idea was dropped, but not before a number of commercial tie-ins, including a comic book and a lunch box, had been produced with the new look. It was rumored that Majors would often roam the set and ask if anyone wanted to "take a sniff of Farrah".
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