Monday, October 18, 2004

Ineffectual Calls for Help: Lame Superhero Division

"Hep me, hep me, Orbiting Man-Child!!!"

"Dammit, you're right, Lieutenant; this is beyond our men's abilities. Get Dangling Parti-disciple on the Verb/Noun Disagreement Phone!"

"That rogue won't get far with the stolen loot...not with Pawn-Shop Pacemaker and the Congestive Heart Failure Orphan League on his tail."

"Mr. President, this looks like a job for Human Meatbox!"

"Laugh while you can, vile cretin...Ladle Arms will see to it that these spuds have adequate gravy!"

"If Pete Moss had his communicator on, he should be here momentarily to assist in your sod debacle."

"You have no idea the vengeance that The Poodler will unleash upon you and your hoary host!"



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