Monday, August 09, 2004

How to Pass the Time when Locked Out of your Home

Join neighborhood youngsters in a game of hopscotch and totally whip them at their own game by making the squares adult-sized. Keep the chalk as winnings.

Pitch wood chips at cars. When they stop to yell at you tell them you're sorry but that they'd driven through the path of your invisible wood chipper, Stephano.

Set up a Sod Juice stand (25 cents a gulp).

Attach errant roofing shingles to your shorts, identify them as mud flaps, and engage in a quick round of "I'm a Semi!"

Don a length of garden hose as a bandolier for a pick-up game of CHEWBACCA'S DAY OFF.

Rain Gutter Pachinko

Cobble together some random thoughts and pontificate from your front stoop about the joys of your new religion. Stone any heretics.

McGyver your undergarments into a crude slingshot and hit the trail as the always feared Squirrel Hunter.

Begin construction of that moat you've always dreamed of having.

Garden trowel lawn darts.



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