Friday, August 06, 2004

Rock Bands as Superheroes

Musing recently about KISS and the television special they had back in the late 70s (if memory serves) wherein they each possessed super-powers based on their stage costumery (Gene was the Demon, Peter was the Cat, et cetera) and fought some evil dude at a haunted theme park/circus/some such place. Gave me an idea that other acts could also be converted to superheroes and, maybe, even have comics produced to share their adventures with their mass of fans.

The Who

Base of operations is the Moon of Keith.
Doll-Tree, their leader, has the ability to grow plush toys from his extremities.
Ent-Whistle is a living tree possessing the skills of a world-class horn player.
Towns-End is the Destroyer of All Cities.

All I have to do now is pitch this idea to Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse...some publisher...and see how it goes.

(badly, I'd imagine)


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