Monday, March 22, 2004

An Open Letter to the Fellow with the Tolkien-Esque License Plates

Don't let ENT 111 go to your head (foliage?). I can understand the Geek-Out since you're a fan and all...but the HROOM HROOM HROOMing startled my dog and put him off his walk.

Were you really off to an Ent Moot? I mean, aside from that little cap bedecked with twigs and leaves and the sheet of sod affixed to your chin, you aren't REALLY an animated sapling...although the brown body paint did you give you a nice bark-y hue, eh? And no matter how many times you repeat the phrase 'By my Mossy Beard' I remain skeptical towards the veracity of your claims towards Ent-Hood (not to mention the fact that you were driving a car...seems a bit contradictory...but it's your psychosis, so what the hell).

However, I guess you can call your trips to the local arboretum whatever you want as long as you and your Tree Buddies don't bother anyone or their pets (ahem).

On the other branch, there's no way in Hell I'm calling you HOT SAP...even if you believe that's your REAL name now AND those two 'Halflings' riding astride your shoulders kept calling you that.



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