Tuesday, August 19, 2003

A Splat from the Past

Little did I know that--for a time in my youth--I was known by the locals as the Henry David Thoreau of Como Park.

Surprising to me as I have never been an outdoorsy Tree-Clinching type. The neighbors differed in this opinion from their sightings of me on or about Como Lake, frolicking around as only a tuddley lil' poly-wobble can and christening me with this aforementioned title.

I found out about this old-school nickname when I received a letter from the prestigious Walden Woods Society informing me that my many years as the 'Thoreau of Como' was being recognized with a plaque-- to be delivered to me personally by representatives of Don Henley and Edward Begley Junior.

Well...shiver me Timbers, eh?

Whipping snails at vehicles circling the lake finally paid off!

(I was also a skilled Stump-Sitter--no shit)


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