TLPHOLG: A Positive about your Disfigurement're welcome, I guess...but I wasn't really paying you a compliment when I noted that the top of your bean was 'concave like a birdbath' but it's nice that you think of your stylized noodle in such a positive light. I s'pose, if push comes to shove you could hire yourself out as a traveling fondue bowl or something. Actually, now that I think about it, I could talk to some of Galactica's engineers and see if we could wire up that head of your's and turn you into a sentient crock pot. And it just so happens I have a party coming up next week and, if you ain't adverse with my men and I tampering with your head, you CERTAINLY wouldn't mind if I melt Velveeta in your concave skull, right? Cuz it just so happens that I am still in need of a vessel from which to serve my patented Dumb Guy Dip and all...
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