Folk just 'sume since I'm interstellarly known as the 'BadAssStar Galactica' that I'm familiar with most aliens lifeforms and other 'sorted space galoots. Case in point; for whatever reason of late, lil' buckaroos keep inquirin' of me on what in tarnation do them Sand People look like under their face rags. How the flippin' gundark should I know? Does I looks like the type of Commander that 'Swings the Gaffi Stick' thatta way? That I'm KEEN on Unspooling the Head Swaddlin' of a Sith-Be-Damned Tusken Raider? Eff that noise, youngsters. Eff. That. Noise. I'd be more damn concerned about what them bastards will do to ya if they ever got their mitts on ya instead of what their desert-planet-ravaged countenances LOOK LIKE. I s'pose you little 'uns are going to tell me you've never heard the expression 'Straddlin' the Bantha?' It don't just mean hitching a ride on a hairy elephantine beast, if you catch the euphemism...
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