Enough with all the trophies, wall plaques, memorial obelisks, stylized menhirs, carved butter heads in my likeness, and the like...if you really want to honor your favorite Commander and all the derring deeds I've accomplished over our Space romp, countlessly pulling your respective asses out of the fire, consider this: Create and name a new sausage to honor me. Don't really care what kinda meat it is (well, other than Angiaglorken...shit's foul and causes Horsehead Nebulonic Plague in over 1550 known humanoid species) but be sure, IF you follow through with this idea of mine, that it's (kaff) a length Befitting a Man of my stature and, heh, girth. I figure something comparable in size to the thigh of a Bbblllrrrggghhhian Ungulant, eh? Heh. That'll shame Ol' Tiberius right out of his girdle. T
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