Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Your Chum TIP's Recent Adventure in BorderingonSexualHarassmentville
An actual conversation at work

Woman #1 (addressing Woman #2 with myself standing nearby): I'm having a Sex Toy party on Saturday! Some of the items (giggle) are even BATTERY-OPERATED!

Woman#2 (delighted look on her face): Oh my God! I would totally love to come!

Me (naughty-esque response immediately leaps to my lips and I fail to squelch it...to Hell with the consequences): Which is exactly why you want to attend, eh?

Woman #1 and #2 (frowning in unison)

Me: Er.


Brings to mind a Sexual Harassment Seminar I attended many years ago (mandatory attendance for all employees...I hadn't been singled out or anything at THAT point). The folk running the show had just completed playing a video tape and asked the crowd if we had any questions. My hand shot up quickly and, after being acknowledged to go ahead and ask my question, inquired:

"Is it Sexual Harassment if it makes you tingle?"

The cacophany of laughter that followed must have encouraged my subsequent (see above) behavior.




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