Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The Power of Selective (Preferential?) Memory
The Nerd-is-the-Word-Division

Each year I cannot recall which day my parents' wedding anniversary is celebrated (July 7th) nor my father's birthday (July 9th) but, inexplicably, I can pluck nerdly memories out of the deepest, darkest, and dankest reaches of my grey matter; such as the following which came to my lips just yesterday whilst talking to a friend:

"Pitfall II (made by Activision originally for the Atari system) has a board where a cavern floods and you have to get Harry out of it before he drowns."

"During Mark Gruenwald and John Byrne's short-lived run on Captain America, Steve Roger's alter-ego faced off against the likes of Baron Blood, Batroc the Leaper, and Dragon Man."

I'm sure you're all glad you weren't there for THIS conversation, eh?

The nerdblood was coursing, lemme tell you.



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