Wednesday, July 07, 2004

An Open Letter to my friend, the Puppeteer

Right off the bat, thanks for letting me stay at your place while you were away; you're a real bud and I appreciate your good will.

That said, I've got something to tell you that might be a bit upsetting to you in light of your opening your home to me:

I accidentally put one of your many puppets on as a sock.

It was dark out when I was dressing and, apparently, I opened the wrong trunk (thinking it was my suitcase) and donned--what I thought at the time was a tubesock--Mister Chickles (at least I think it was Mister Chickles; is he the Hobo Clown puppet or is that Bum-Bum Sprinkleshorts? I can never tell the two apart even when I watch your might want to expand your collection to include other non-clowny-looking puppets) Anyways, it wasn't until I finally turned on the light to find my shoes that I noticed the error.

Have you ever worn a puppet on any other part of your body but your fist? Let me tell you, Mister C (or whichever one it was) fit like a nice high moccasin; it made me feel like a Davy Crockett or Johnny Appleseed or somesuch of them nutbags that enjoys a life of scampering around in the that. Even after I discovered my mistake I had a strong urge to put another one on (to make a pair) and see how that felt (don't worry...I didn't do it...although Little Jorge PuddleJumper looked REALLY comfortable...and, thankfully, I could tell him apart from the other ones by his tell-tale mustachio). I really think you should give it a shot. If you do AND you like it...maybe you won't be THAT upset with me. Heck, it might even help out with those arches of yours that you're always complaining about. Who knows until you try, eh?

There you have it. I felt it best to inform you of this slip-up (heh...slip-on?) in case you ended up wondering why your hand smelled like a tootsie after one of your shows.

Still friends?



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