Supression of Geek-Responsorial...Successful!
ROTK Division
Once Gandalf arrives in Gondor he is called by one of his many different names, Mithrandir.
At one point, after he is addressed as such, a gentleman behind me leans over to his companion and asks, 'What's Mithrandir?' to which his friend replies, 'It's Gandalf's sword.'
It was the only moment during the film that I felt the Nerd-Blood rising...willing me to turn to them and blurt out, 'NO! His sword's name is GLAMDRING, dammit! Mithrandir is another one of Gandalf's Names!!!'
Fortunately, I quelled the urge to flaunt my Tolkien-ese dorkiness and resumed watching the film (which I enjoyed a great deal).
(too many rereads of the trilogy and all the other Tolkien books...I'd assume)
ROTK Division
Once Gandalf arrives in Gondor he is called by one of his many different names, Mithrandir.
At one point, after he is addressed as such, a gentleman behind me leans over to his companion and asks, 'What's Mithrandir?' to which his friend replies, 'It's Gandalf's sword.'
It was the only moment during the film that I felt the Nerd-Blood rising...willing me to turn to them and blurt out, 'NO! His sword's name is GLAMDRING, dammit! Mithrandir is another one of Gandalf's Names!!!'
Fortunately, I quelled the urge to flaunt my Tolkien-ese dorkiness and resumed watching the film (which I enjoyed a great deal).
(too many rereads of the trilogy and all the other Tolkien books...I'd assume)
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