Thursday, November 27, 2003

My New Bud Buddy: A True Tale from Today

Snow was falling when I took the dog out for one of his evening repreives. As he snuffled about the fresh dusting of snow coating his favorite spots on the lawn the neighbor's son (who is house-sitting while the owner is away) came walking down the driveway and greeted me with a nod and stared into the night sky.

Me: Evening. Just trying to get the dog to relieve himself.
Him: Yeah...they never go when you want them to.
Me: True enough.

(pause as I let my gaze fall back to the bulldog who's busy staring at the tree on the boulevard. Silence falls like the snow until it is broken by the gentleman's following question)

Him: You smoke bud?*
Me: (well THAT was unexpected) Nope.
Him: Ah. Man...I could use a big doobie tonight.
Me: Ah.
Him: Yep. I think I'll go to my buddy's house and get one.
Me: Good luck with that.
Him: Mmm-Hmm.
Me: C'mon, Rog...let's go in.

A lovely exchange for the eve of Turkey Day.


*Notice the lack of a comma between smoke and bud...I wasn't being called BUD as in pal, chum, bunk mate or amigo; this fellow wanted some marijuana and was using the current slang for it. Ah HA!


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