Sunday, November 23, 2003

Fear is Never Boring
according to the Bears tune of this title

There is nothing worse than unexpectedly coming face-to-face with that which you fear the most.

My greatest fear manifests itself by way of a weakness of that--no matter how hard I try to fend of-- I cannot overcome through over-taxing my will power nor attempting to put it out of my head.

The minute I realized there were freshly baked Chocolate Chip Cookies in the house I knew I was doomed by my salivating cravings to eat them all (hopefully over the course of several days depending on how well I do placating the initial desires to get them in my gullet STAT).

I know they are there.

They are now on my mind which, in turn, clues in my stomach to the intense possibility that I could put one down in a flash...the only delay would be the time it takes to get to the fridge*, anxiously fumble one out of the tin they currently occupy and shovel it into my open maw.

One...maybe two...more?


This is going to be a long night...possibly a very long long as those damn Cookies are lurking in the kitchen...laughing at my weakness.

The timing could not come at a worse time; Turkey Day is looming on the horizon...a day of gorging that I normally fast for in anticipation of the the huge meal of that day.

Not now.

Now I will be filled to the uvula with goddamn Chocolate Chip Cookies well-prior to Thursday.

I know it.

I just know it.


*Love them best when they are chilled.


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