Monday, July 14, 2003

Road Trip: Small Town Cap Comment

As seen previously, the horseless carriage I was driving home blew a hindleg and left me stranded outside of Fort Morgan, CO. With directions from a State Trooper I drove around looking for a Tire Shop (eventually ending up at Wal-MArt) open of the day after the Fourth.

No dice (and the 20-sided was jinxed, to boot).

I made a quick stop at a Auto Supply Store where I inquired of other places to go. Upon entering the shop and loping up to the counter, the gentleman working there took a long gander at me (sizing me up for a tussle? admiring my gait?) and after an exchange of pleasantries made the following comment:

"We don't get a lot of fellows wearing hats like that around here. I don't know if I should say 'Ciao' or not."

See...the lid atop me dome was an 'old-guy-driving-cap-turned-backwards' and he mistakenly took it to be a beret...and mistakenly thought that Italy was the origininator of said chapeaus. Not being a hat-historian in any sense of the word I let this 'error' pass without comment.



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