'Round the Water Cooler: Avoiding Mel Chatter Division
There's been (and will continue to be) a LOT of talk about Mel Gibson thanks to his DWI arrest and ensuing Anti-Semitic tirade. If you're like me and don't care to get Drawn into a Discussion about said topic with your fellow co-workers, I suggest interjecting the following statement into the proceedings as soon as you suspect you're being drawn into this particular Conversation Vortex:
"Gary Busey should ask for a rematch on the moistened lawn."
It has been my experience (over the last 3 days) that utlilizing this will extricate you from 99% of any potential Mel Gibson-related Gabfests as most folk will have no clue what you're talking about (either due to the fact they do not recall the final confrontation between "Mr. Joshua" and "Riggs" from the first LETHAL WEAPON or they are completely put off by the very Out-of-Left-Field nature of the statement).

You're welcome.
(Braveheart references should be avoided at all costs)
There's been (and will continue to be) a LOT of talk about Mel Gibson thanks to his DWI arrest and ensuing Anti-Semitic tirade. If you're like me and don't care to get Drawn into a Discussion about said topic with your fellow co-workers, I suggest interjecting the following statement into the proceedings as soon as you suspect you're being drawn into this particular Conversation Vortex:
"Gary Busey should ask for a rematch on the moistened lawn."
It has been my experience (over the last 3 days) that utlilizing this will extricate you from 99% of any potential Mel Gibson-related Gabfests as most folk will have no clue what you're talking about (either due to the fact they do not recall the final confrontation between "Mr. Joshua" and "Riggs" from the first LETHAL WEAPON or they are completely put off by the very Out-of-Left-Field nature of the statement).

You're welcome.
(Braveheart references should be avoided at all costs)
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