Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today's "MacGyver" Sighting

A middle-aged woman was in front of me at the gas station this morning (my normal stop for pre-work coffee) and I couldn't help but take note of her purchases; namely:

A six pack of Charmin toilet paper (where have you gone, Mister Whipple?)

One banana

One pack of Kool 100s (hard pack)

Now, a person with 'normal' sensibilities would be inclined to assume (wrongly, I might add) that here's a lady that likes to enjoy a piece of fruit and a minty heater whilst unloading her truck at the porcelain warehouse.

Not I.

Ol' Ms. MacGyver was heading home to arm herself with a self-made banana bazooka...fueled by the menthol she was going to extract from her cigarettes of choice (a delightfully minty launch, no doubt) and shot forth from the taped-together and de-papered toilet paper cardboard tubes.

Her target?


But I would not be surprised if I read in tomorrow's paper about some man/woman being pierced with a tropical projectile and left injured and smelling imexplicably like minty ashtray.



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