Monday, February 07, 2005

The Influence of Cinema

I've taken note that many non-vino-people have taken to wine drinking after seeing the film SIDEWAYS. I, myself, have not seen the film but from what I've gleaned from reviews and overhearing conversations/raves/rants on it I do know that a wine-tasting trip plays a part in the overall story (for example, Pinot Noir sales are up as shown in a recent news item); hence the interest in chugging the grape. This brought to mind some other instances when films have created a buzz (pun initially not intended but what the hell)in society and subsequent trends/fads/fashion statements/what have you...for better or for worse:

Star Wars: A New Hope
Incidents of torching berobed little people corpses up throughout the world with little regard to the fact that Jawas don't actually exist.

Chariots of Fire
Going for a trot along the shore? Tight white shorts were all the rage and many an ass was seen swaddled in said attire while gallavanting alongside bodies of water.

Ahh...recall with fondness the days of glow-in-dark union suits

The Silence of the Lambs
The fava bean and Chianti industry saw a spike in sales and, in an unfortunate turn of events, as did lotion vendors and poodle peddlers. Rumors still abound that pit excavations and 'Pulling a Gumm' (by which males tucked their junk betwixt their pegs and paraded about) were also on the rise during the months/years that followed the film's release.

Rubber shirts equipped with molded faux-nipples cause a stir throughout the nation...perhaps even used at times to actually stir beverages/soups/unguents.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension
Watermelon experimentation is through the roof as is eyewear crafted from bubble wrap.

Road Warrior
Folk were considered losers if they weren't packing a razor-edged boomerang and sporting an lil' apeboy-look (often mistaken for Chaka from Land of the Lost).

Million Dollar Baby
High-priced black market adoptions are becoming as common as dirt thanks to folk getting the wrong idea about this film due to their collective failure to actually see it.

Altered States
A popular dance based on the lumbering gait of William Hurts' mutated monkey man character sweeps discoes worldwide.

More to come as time permits.



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