You will call me Sergei Moistdropov...and I will baste you!
with apologies to Ivan Drago
Meet Sven Sundgaard

He's been doing the weather on our local NBC affiliate while the main meteorologist is on maternity leave.
Last Friday he slipped the phrase
"Moist Surge"
Into his forecast.
This immediately brought to mind a phrase I popularized back in the day to describe what it would be like engage in Plook with one of my friends; namely "viscous shudder'
Moist Surge.
At some point (a minute or two) after hearing this most/moist delightful phrase, MOIST SURGE became SURGE MOIST (possible Porn Identity...not to be mistaken for some Ludlum book/movie) which then became SERGEI MOIST (my Russian alias) and finally, adding a lil' somethingsomething to the end, Sergei Moistdropov.
Yeah...the mind tends to uncoil in this manner ALL THE TIME.
with apologies to Ivan Drago
Meet Sven Sundgaard

He's been doing the weather on our local NBC affiliate while the main meteorologist is on maternity leave.
Last Friday he slipped the phrase
"Moist Surge"
Into his forecast.
This immediately brought to mind a phrase I popularized back in the day to describe what it would be like engage in Plook with one of my friends; namely "viscous shudder'
Moist Surge.
At some point (a minute or two) after hearing this most/moist delightful phrase, MOIST SURGE became SURGE MOIST (possible Porn Identity...not to be mistaken for some Ludlum book/movie) which then became SERGEI MOIST (my Russian alias) and finally, adding a lil' somethingsomething to the end, Sergei Moistdropov.
Yeah...the mind tends to uncoil in this manner ALL THE TIME.
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