Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ten Things/Thoughts off the Top of me Tete

Threatening a precocious youth with "I'll line your damn britches with pork loins if you don't let your sister out of the humidor" probably isn't going to carry a lot of weight...especially if the kid prefers the other White Meat.

What would you really do if I sang out of tune? Buy me lessons with a vocal coach and/or remove the batteries from my Mr. Microphone?

Besides HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS and LITTLE BIG FOOT I and II what other feature films starred Sasquatches?

'Bar Sinister' used to be a way to refer to a child born to unwed parents; hence, Underdog's arch-nemesis is actually Simon Bastard.

Meat Waffle...Meat Waffle...Meat Waffle.

Levi-Strauss gave the World Levi's Jeans but Hans Wrangler, Jorge Rustler, and Chief Toughskins are long forgotten in the Pants Hall of Fame.

Contrary to popular belief, Billy Squier's tune, The Stroke, is actually a song he wrote about what he thought his pet feline was thinking one afternoon (a truth he only discussed privately amongst friends and roadies).

Mister Fitzgerald...step away from the afghan...that is no way to treat a craft project.

Look, I'm not French, okay? I cannot tell you how to say, "the swine fish is a figment of your imagination."

And, keeping things International, an Italian Ouija Board is NOT called a Luigi Board.



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