Thir-Team Meeting Part Four'know how they say I'm a "Little Bit Country" and all that shit? the lyrics *really* meant was Mormonic clan and I were...kinda Globetrotters back in the day...y'know...visiting all the various countries on Earth; not like those Harlem cagers or nothing...although I've got a pretty good low-post game...kinda Rodmanian, if I do say so without as much flash. More like worldwide this Globetrotting of ours...safaris with...uhm...some Missionary work thrown in for good measure. Now...this guy we're here to talk about and vote on...he...*kaff*...he was with us during one of our jaunts through Borneo. Er...he, uh...we were immersing ourselves, Fossey-Style, into an orangutan community...including some very clever costumery--devised by this guy to boot--in order for us to blend in better and get a more of the Tribe (heh). It was soo...uh...'cute' when he mistakenly thought the orangutans scientific name, Pongo Pygmaeus, was actually Pongo Polygamous...but...erm...I blame that on the fact that he'd been essentially living with us Morms for the better part of three months and some of that Joe Smith preachin' is going to...heh...rub off on you when in close don't take that the wrong way or nothing...I swear we didn't 'marry' him off multiple times...though there was one she-orang that took pretty kindly to his attention...purely attention of a researchy...nature though it was. My brothers Donald, Melvin, Merrill, Alan, and Lil' Jimmy thought that was as well. And, you know what? That's exactly what this more Cute. So I for his joining our Cabal.
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