Monday, December 06, 2004

New Addition to my IT'LL MAKE ME GAG List

Joining the likes of bananas, fish sticks, and ogrish folk that favor bed linen as clothing I give you the latest item I can now add to Things that make me Audibly Gag:

Any televised news item involving the phrase, "DNA sample from Michael Jackson."

Thanks go out to MSNBC for making my lunch today so very entertaining to my fellow dining patrons and assembled waitstaff (uncertain if the kitchen staff caught a peep of my gutteral heave but, judging by the reactions of people on the other side of the restaurant, it is a strong possibility that they DID, in fact, hear me over, say, the sizzlin' bacon of a forthcoming BLT or early afternoon brunchish platter).

Not once, but TWICE did this aforementioned phrase raise a lil' Grunt from my gullet (with accompanying torso shudder of such magnitude that I found my spectacles slightly dislodged from their normal resting place).

Fortunately, typing out the phrase has no effect on me whatsoever...for now.



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