Today's Film Inspired Prevaricaton du Jour
Flipping through the channels the other night I stumbled upon a scene of some older gentlemen dropping a suitcase and a bunch of sausages/weiners tumbling out of it.
Well, how could I not stop and see what this film was all about?
So I did and quickly recognized it as 1984's THE KILLING FIELDS. Having not seen it in years I stuck it out.
Flash forward to Monday morning at work.
Thanks to to accidental encounter with the image of some fellow dropping his weiner-filled suitcase I was entirely prepared to answer the typical Cow-Orker Question of How was your Weekend.
Here's how it went down:
Cow-Orker: Did you have a good weekend?
TIP: Yep. I caught a really cool movie on Saturday Night when I was flipping through the channels. Some dude dropped his suitcase and a bunch of weiners fell out of it. That was enough for me to stick with it to the end.
Cow-Orker: What was the movie called?
TIP: The Killing Fields.
Cow-Orker: What was it about?
TIP (Woo Hoo!): Cambodia's Sausage Industry under the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge were like our USDA.
Cow-Orker: Why was it called The Killing Fields?
TIP: Oh, right! See, the Khmer Rouge liked to make their weiners outside instead of in Sausage Factories or whatever. Quite controversial for its time.
Cow-Orker: That makes sense.
TIP: And that Lead Lawyer dude from the original Law and Order was in it. He was bearded and ran a Hot Dog Cart with his Cambodian buddy. Surprisingly touching film.
Cow-Orker: I'm going to check it out! Sounds...weird.
TIP: Yes. But worth it. Let me know when you see it.
Cow-Orker: OK.
I enjoyed this encounter (and fib) so much that it inspired a doodle.
Flipping through the channels the other night I stumbled upon a scene of some older gentlemen dropping a suitcase and a bunch of sausages/weiners tumbling out of it.
Well, how could I not stop and see what this film was all about?
So I did and quickly recognized it as 1984's THE KILLING FIELDS. Having not seen it in years I stuck it out.
Flash forward to Monday morning at work.
Thanks to to accidental encounter with the image of some fellow dropping his weiner-filled suitcase I was entirely prepared to answer the typical Cow-Orker Question of How was your Weekend.
Here's how it went down:
Cow-Orker: Did you have a good weekend?
TIP: Yep. I caught a really cool movie on Saturday Night when I was flipping through the channels. Some dude dropped his suitcase and a bunch of weiners fell out of it. That was enough for me to stick with it to the end.
Cow-Orker: What was the movie called?
TIP: The Killing Fields.
Cow-Orker: What was it about?
TIP (Woo Hoo!): Cambodia's Sausage Industry under the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge were like our USDA.
Cow-Orker: Why was it called The Killing Fields?
TIP: Oh, right! See, the Khmer Rouge liked to make their weiners outside instead of in Sausage Factories or whatever. Quite controversial for its time.
Cow-Orker: That makes sense.
TIP: And that Lead Lawyer dude from the original Law and Order was in it. He was bearded and ran a Hot Dog Cart with his Cambodian buddy. Surprisingly touching film.
Cow-Orker: I'm going to check it out! Sounds...weird.
TIP: Yes. But worth it. Let me know when you see it.
Cow-Orker: OK.
I enjoyed this encounter (and fib) so much that it inspired a doodle.

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