Little Plastic Head of Lorne Green Speaks Again

"Would it hurt the damn waitress to wrap my leftover sirloin in something other than a damn tinfoil goose or duck or vulture or whatever the fuck origami fowl they're 'posed to be? Oh, sure, if you're some mamby pamby fruitus brutus or some such nonsense, you could care less loping out of the restaurant carrying that...hell, have the bird clutching a flippin' flower in its webbed tootsies, why dontcha? And a'd like that, eh? But I'm a MAN'S MAN and I deMANd my tinfoil animals full of leftovers to be MANly, ya get it? So next damn time I better get a damn Grizzly or, better yet, an orangutan holding a Winchester or I'll sic the zombified corpse of Hoss on ya!!!"
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