Monday, June 27, 2005

An unexpected comment thrown my way prior to a Kickball I participated in this past weekend

"You look like a pirate from that Johnny Depp pirate movie; not lik Johnny Depp but--y'know--like one of his cronies."

Which, I have to admit, I find fascinating as I was clad in typical summer attire (short-sleeved shirt, shorts, Chuck Taylors) and not an ensemble straight off the poopdeck of an Erroll Flynn-esque extravaganza.

Do I give this, for lack of a better phrase, Pirate-Vibe off all the time?

Am I akin to Hook's Smee?

Perhaps my gait IMPLIES peg-leg or that I suffer from rickets?

Should I bone up on my mumble-de-peg skills in case a gauntlet is thrown down in challenge?



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