The Completely Unexpected Reappearance of The Little Plastic Head of Lorne Greene

...and things had gotten a wee bit tense down at the 'rosa...and I ain't be talkin' 'bout the Floozy Rosa that works Greased Palm Magick down at the Viper Snoot Salooninator...she and her Butter Chums are 'nother subject that ain't right to be Speakin' at the moment (Hoss and Little Joe are within earshot...'though I 'spects they can't be overhearing us at the moment...what with the Din of their Slap Tan Contest shaking the timbers on their so-called Low Hug Lodge...which really ain't much of a Lodge as it is a Lean-to with a disconcerting Stink 'bout that time my equine companion Flankcakes spent three weeks in a Torpedo Tube...unsaddled, sure...but a Horse without Soap is like a Battlestar ensign without pinched cheeks.
Now what was I saying?!?

...and things had gotten a wee bit tense down at the 'rosa...and I ain't be talkin' 'bout the Floozy Rosa that works Greased Palm Magick down at the Viper Snoot Salooninator...she and her Butter Chums are 'nother subject that ain't right to be Speakin' at the moment (Hoss and Little Joe are within earshot...'though I 'spects they can't be overhearing us at the moment...what with the Din of their Slap Tan Contest shaking the timbers on their so-called Low Hug Lodge...which really ain't much of a Lodge as it is a Lean-to with a disconcerting Stink 'bout that time my equine companion Flankcakes spent three weeks in a Torpedo Tube...unsaddled, sure...but a Horse without Soap is like a Battlestar ensign without pinched cheeks.
Now what was I saying?!?
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