Ishmael Wept Tears of Creme-Filling

As told to me by my friend John III:
Turns out that his wife, Sarah, has a classmate (she's currently attending Grad School somewhere in Michigan) with a quite peculiar tattoo (non-dead-midget-version).
It's a whaler (think Ahab a la MOBY DICK) in a boat out on the water, armed with a harpoon, taking deadly aim at a pod of Sea Twinkies.
Twinkies from Hostess.
Twinkies as Whale Stand-ins.
John III is going to get me a picture of it the next time he's in Michigan visiting his wife (he lives in Chicago but is currently in Hong Kong for a photoshoot).
I promise you that said picture will be posted here as soon as I get a copy.
Sea Twinkies.
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